Happy 2019! You did it, you survived what was undoubtedly a challenging year and you’re stronger for it. And now, you’re in 2019, undoubtedly with just a single question on your mind: how the heck can I be a better traveler this year?
Okay, that’s probably not the case. But I’m sure that you have probably thought about traveling a bit more this year, right? We all have at some point, and every year we tell ourselves, “This is it. This is the year that I go cross some locations off of my bucket list and make some memories.” And then we get busy or worried about cash and end up not going anywhere. Well, here I am to tell you that this doesn’t have to be the case. Here are a few resolutions for the New Year that will help ensure that you don’t flake on your goals and make some solid travel memories in 2019
1. Book your tickets early.
One thing is true of all transportation, be it by air, train, or bus: the earlier you book your trip, the better price you’re going to get on your tickets. Travel companies thrive on knowing their inventory. As demand rises, prices tend to rise as well. You can save yourself a lot of worry by simply booking your tickets as soon as you know when you want to take your trip. It’s also a lot less stressful than fighting over them at the last minute with everyone else, right
2. Join rewards programs.
If frequent and often travel is part of your plans for the coming year, then you’re going to want to join any program that is willing to give you a little something extra for each of those times you travel. For example, the Lucky Star rewards program awards you with points that accumulate so that you can eventually buy free tickets. Make sure to sign up for these on any lines you may take.
3. Budget, budget, budget.
Poor planning is the enemy of ambition. All battles are won and lost on whether or not you bothered to put the preparation in to make sure that something was attainable. The same is true of travel. If you want to make your dream trip happen, then you need to start planning for how to afford it right now. Whenever you have a free moment, sit down, open your favorite budgeting app, and start looking at the numbers so that you can figure out how you can get where you want to be.
Traveling is much more attainable than you may think! If you come about it intelligently, you may just have the best travel year of your life in 2019. We will continue to have more tips and perhaps more resolutions by the end of the month, but what are your personal resolutions? Let us know what you think and if yours resonate, we may even include them in a future article. Thanks for reading, and have the best year of travel of your life in 2019!